Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Preview video

Dear students,

Please take a look on the video that I've attached here since I'll pick up randomly a person who will explain on that on our next week's class (Tuesday- 21 February 2012).

Enjoy your watching!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Introduction to E-Commerce

Hi students!
Have u get some idea what is E-Commerce?
Have u download my first note regarding Introduction to E-Commerce?

Please take a look on the video that i've been provided here!

Remember, tomorrow we'll have our very first class. Make sure that u prepare your self well...!

Happy study!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back students!

After more than a month you leave for your semester break, you now start the new semester in the new year! I am glad to teach you in this subject. Hopefully you can take advantage of all the knowledge which will be given throughout this January-June 2012 semester.

Well, since this Monday(9/1/2012) we will start our first class, I will give some notes from Chapter 1 for you to go through. Make sure you can get some idea before we discuss in more detail related to this chapter. You can get your note here.

Happy study!

Friday, December 30, 2011

E-Commerce?? Apa tu??

Bila masuk ke bilik kuliah, semua pelajar tertanya-tanya...
"Madam, E-commerce tu apa?"
"Madam, susah tak subjek E-Commerce ini?"
"Madam, bla bla bla bla..."

Haaa... itu lah tujuan blog ini diwujudkan. Selain penyampaian ilmu pengetahuan di dalam bilik kuliah, saya juga mahu kita memanfaatkan teknologi yang kita ada untuk membantu penyampaian dan pemahaman terhadap sesuatu ilmu itu lebih berkesan.

Jadi...... Enjoy your learning, students! Saya akan update berkaitan E-Commerce dari semasa ke semasa... :)